foop Variation

Rich variations.

foop life
colorful lifestyle

New Green Lifestyle.

You will be thrilled to experience your vegetables growing steadily from little seeds.
Why don’t you start a new and enhanced "green" lifestyle with us?

  • あ!もう芽が出てる!がんばれ!
    7 DAYS
  • 食べ頃まで、あと2週間。う〜ん、楽しみ楽しみ。
    14 DAYS
  • ぐんぐん伸びる野菜に興味津々!一緒に大きく育ってね。
    21 DAYS
  • あ!食べ頃になった!さてさて、どうやって食べようかな♪
    28 DAYS
  • できた!採れたてレタスのサンドイッチ!
    35 DAYS
  • foopを眺めてる時間が好き。

Cool and sleek design that fits in any type of interior space.

Hida wood adds a warm refinement to foop's buttonless stylish design.
foop will comfortably match your room interior.

The dedicated smart App keeps you informed about "what's up" with your vegetables.

foop app screen

You can check the current status of your vegetables,
the ideal timing for harvest and care with foop's advanced sensing technology.
The App will send notifications to your smart phone while you are at home, work or at play.

A revolutionary way to grow your own vegetables.
Smart and innovative functions.

Easy, fun and delicious. Starting is so easy for everyone!

  1. STEP1

    Set the hydroponic sponges in the cups. Pour water and the nutrient mixture into the cups now you are ready to grow your own vegetables!

  2. STEP2

    Select your desired vegetables from the App. The App will tell you the ideal timing and conditions for care and harvest.

  3. STEP3

    When you receive the "ready to eat" notification on your App, harvest the amount of vegetables you want to eat. Clean growing conditions means you can eat them as is without washing if you wish.

Our Lifestyle and Vegetables

Thank you for visiting our website.
How does IoT (Internet of Things) and hydroponic gardening influence the relationship between our lifestyle and our food?
The foop project was born out of just from such a conversation between us and users.

We truly thank all those who participated in these early conversations.
We would like to tell you a little more about our thoughts regarding the project.

What does it mean to "grow vegetables"?

We had conversations with various enthusiasts about how growing vegetables had the potential to influence our lifestyles.

Many people pointed to an experience that extended beyond just "eating vegetables",
such as sharing the experience with kids, a chance for better communication,
and of course the joy of harvesting one's own vegetables.

Based on these discussions,
we came to strongly believe that growing vegetable at home could enrich our busy modern lives.

You can see the interactive icons located on the screen located on the front of foop,
which will make the home cultivation experience more fun and enjoyable.

IoT and hydroponic gardening will bring
about "growing vegetable" experience to your lifestyle.

We continued to discuss how we can naturally introduce "growing vegetable" experience into our daily lifestyle and
how it will encourage open and casual communication.
We came to believe that the possible answer could be found in the combination of IoT and hydroponic gardening.

You can start hydroponic gardening no matter where and how you live,
as you can do hydroponic gardening regardless of season, weather or location.

We will continue to develop App based on the user's suggestions,
so that foop will be equipped with the mechanism to promote your communication by SNS
and foop-to-foop communication with your friend and families who live in distant places.

We are excited to bring you further developments.


Idea workshop for hydroponic gardening.
We carried out conversations with the users with respect to the potential commercialization the product,
thanks to the kind cooperation of FabCafe Tokyo.